The Restless to Calm Program for ADHD kids

What if your child could be calmer, happier and more focused... naturally! 

Let me put it this way

You DO have more options than 'just' meds or therapies. You can instead work with your child's body and natural development - to significantly reduce your child's ADHD symptoms and make family  life more enjoyable for all.  

Is this sounding familiar?

You're being pressured by family members or teachers to medicate your child, but you know that ADHD is more complicated than just taking a pill to 'fix' things.

  • You do however want your child to be happier at home, school, and in themselves.

  • You also don't want to keep worrying about how your child is doing at school and what their future could be like if they aren't doing well, socially or academically.

  • Yet your child is clearly struggling... always complaining, cranky, a slow learner, aggressive, hyperactive, unwell, depressed, anxious, or seems tired but wired all the time.

  • You know your child has a good heart but others only see the disruptive and problem behaviours. 

  • You feel overwhelmed by all the information online about wholistic and integrative support - and trying to decide where to put your time and effort is impossible - let alone deciding where to even start. 

It can be better. Really! 

  • You CAN feel more like a parent and have a relationship with your child that doesn't involve constant monitoring and nagging

  • You CAN take your child on holidays and enjoy the time together.

  • You WON'T have to stress about getting phone calls from the school saying your child is being disruptive, or 'not applying' themselves.

  • You can feel RELIEF because now everyone else can see your child's real strengths and personality 

  • You can be your child's BEST advocate by knowing what their brain needs to be better able to regulate their emotions and attention themselves. 

  • You can be your child's BEST coach because you understand your child's unique nutritional needs and biochemistry and how that influences their behaviours and learning ability. This means you can have this new child (your real child!) around for years to come.  

That's right... working with your child's unique biochemistry could make this all happen! 


The Restless to Calm Program

A comprehensive program that works WITH your child's individual needs and encourages balanced development.

Take a nutritional and biochemical approach to REDUCE HYPERACTIVITY, improve ATTENTION and balance the MOODS  in your ADHD child.

The foundation stones of change

Help the brain to regulate better, and move your child past stuck development, by working on essential elements that bring about long term positive changes. 

Address mood & energy swings

Settle inflammation in the brain

Find the right diet for your child 

Find the trigger foods

Support healthy sleep 

Nourish the brain

Support gut health

Some family gains...

10yo girl, 8yo boy

"Knowing the science behind food and moods has been a game changer for my (2 ADHD) kids". 

-Chrissie Davies (boy, girl)

2.5yo boy

"Over the time I have noticed an advance in his thought pattern, understanding and his emotional stability. Although it's not perfect... it's an improvement which I'm very happy about."

-Joanne G.  (2.5yo boy)

12yo boy

"His private tutor said he is like a changed boy, more organised, engaged and chatting! Yay!!

-Julie D. (12 yo boy)

10yo boy

"It's amazing what food can do to a person. but the difference in him in the mental health realm is amazing. It's almost like it was a fog for him. when he does act out like all kids he has started to apologise and he is not as highly strung most days now. It has made everyone's lives so much lighter and happier."

-Amanda L. (10 yo boy)

3 Steps

Using a simple 3-step system you will deep dive into the biochemical basis for mood, behavior, learning and attention,  to achieve change ie What Needs to Come In, What Needs to Come out, What Needs to be Balanced. Having a clear direction on what to focus on really reduces the overwhelm, even if there is a lot to cover under each step!


This might be an online program but you won't be on your own. You will have 2 x private consultations PLUS access to a private FB page to ask questions at any time.  


Get my expert guidance with practical and easy to follow advice. I've been practicing for over 15 years in Nutrition and in Complementary Medicine, and as a working mum of 4 boys I know what it's like to be busy. I need things to be kept simple and I know you do too!  

Let's uncover your real child 

In the online Restless to Calm Program this is how we make it happen:  

Personalised Consultations and Treatment Plans x2 ($400 value)

Let's find out what's going on under the surface, nutritionally and metabolically to customise the program for your child

Child Friendly Nutrient Testing ($210 test)

Non-invasive, comprehensive and highly informative testing to guide on what your child truly needs nutritionally

Recipes, Meal Plans & More ($400 value)

The Big Book of Recipes, wide range of family friendly Meal Plans & Recipe Collections, Additive Smart Shopping Guide and more always being added.

10 on-demand video lessons for 6 months ($1000 value)

With handouts, guides, tips, ideas

* Improving sleep

* Balancing moods through diet

* Getting variety in diet

* Understanding toxic elements

* Meal planning

* Additives to avoid

Private community group ($1000 value)

Get those questions that pop up all the time answered in person and quickly via a private online group in Facebook, and through dedicated clinic hours on Zoom. Times will alternate between an evening time and day time AEDT.  

Optional- additional functional testing

The following tests are not automatically included in the program because not every child needs the extra work. During our consultations we can discuss the benefits of such.

GI Map stool testing- when gut dysfunction is obvious.

myDNA - know your child's natural strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to the use of nutrients and impact on moods, sleep, learning, stress management. Easily gain a roadmap for your child's future!

Total Value... $3010.00

Upfront payment:  $997 (save $2013)

Split payments: 3x monthly payments of $395 (save $1825)
This is significantly less than if you were to see a number of specialists for 6 months

*NDIS funding can be used if Self Funded or Plan Managed- ask about this*

Hi, I'm Ruth Fellowes 

25 years ago my own kids taught me that there IS a link between food and moods, and the rest is history. 

I've been practicing for over 15 years in Nutrition and in complementary Medicine. The Restless to Calm program is a result of my long commitment to see children happier, healthier and living to their best potential. 

Children are wonderful teachers and the elements in the program have been refined through the years from them basically showing me what works and what doesn't! 

In fact it was my own children in their early years who taught me that there is a link between food and mood, after I had put into use the RPAH Elimination Diet which I had read about. I got results and was delighted but also shocked. Why weren't other parents talking about this link between food and moods!? 

Today there is finally recognition and acceptance that food and nutrition actually does influence how we think, feel, move, and behave. 

BHSc (Complementary Medicine), Adv Dip Nutritional Medicine, Adv Dip Western Herbal Medicine, Master Public Health (UNSW), MATMS (Fellow)  MCMA

This Program Is Right For You If...


Want a wholistic approach

You may be wanting to avoid medications, or medications have terrible side effects or are just not enough for your child's needs. The good news is that there are successful alternative and integrative supports available!

Feeling the impact on other family members

Having a child that takes all your focus can mean others miss out on you - a lot. Working on biochemistry and metabolism for your child means longer lasting changes and a happier family life.

You're overwhelmed and don't know where to start

Although my kids are now young adults, I've been a busy mum like you during their growing years and I learnt how to keep things simple and still get results.  A step-by-step approach really does make a difference. Plus you have me to keep you on track. 


Working with a practitioner online is not your thing

Meeting online means you don't have to organise your life around appointment times, but I realise some people just don't like working online, and that's ok. 

Life is going to get in the way of you supporting your child at this time

There are a number of life reasons why parents don't have emotional capacity to support their child and work through changes with them. The time just may not be right for you at the moment.

Focus is divided up by a million other therapies

A nutritional and biomedical approach is FOUNDATIONAL to the success of other therapies- if the body doesn't have the tools it needs to bring change, then progress will be slower. You may need to consider re-prioritising where time and effort is being dedicated to at this point in time. 

Have a Question Before Joining?

How do I know this is right for us?

How do I know this is right for us? 


If you are wanting to avoid medications for your child with ADHD, or wanting to keep medications to a minimum and for as brief a time as possible, then this is for you. Taking a grass-roots approach and addressing the roadblocks to your child's healthy development helps your child to sit calmly, engage, follow instructions and be more settled and confident. 

Draw on the science that has long proven that diet influences brain function and development AND moods. Take 6 months to firmly reset your child's biochemical wiring so they can function from a calmer and more consistent place. 

Book a free strategy call to check if it's what you need!


My child is a fussy eater- how much change could we make?

My child is a fussy eater- how much change could we make? 


Helping a fussy eater - depending on how limited the diet is- takes time and lots of baby steps. You will be coached in a number of these baby steps that are simple to implement. The secret is really in applying these steps consistently and that's where the success lies. 

6 months seems too short ( or too long!).

Does it really take 6 months? 


With focused work, it actually only takes 4 weeks to see your child's moods start to shift in the right direction. By 8 weeks the changes are becoming consistent and long lasting. By 12 weeks you are seeing an impact on academics and learning. In 15+ years of working with families, I know it only takes 3 months for you to 'reset' your child's brain. In practice, families tend to need much more support than what 3 months can provide to ensure that their child really has turned the corner and is maturing and developing as they should. Which is why the program is open to you for a full 6 months. 

What if I need longer?

What if I need longer? 


You will see results in 8 weeks although this requires consistent work on diet, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Because family life is complex and all sorts of events can interrupt routines, the program length is 6 months to give you the time you need to have long lasting changes. You have access to the online resources for 12 months and will be able to revisit any of the steps to ensure your child maintains the progress made. 

There is the option of a Membership program once the 6 months have passed so that you can continue the personal support and guidance while your child continues to grow and change. 

I've already done a lot of work - how much extra will I learn?

I've already done a lot of work- how much extra will I learn?  

The program is comprehensive and makes sure you cover all the elements you need to bring long lasting change to your child's biochemistry, and therefore  increase the ability for them to develop new skills and habits. 

Families tend to have only covered some elements but not considered every factor eg. focused on supplements and herbs, or only on lifestyle changes, or only on allied health therapies,  or elimination diets. 

The focus is rarely on biochemistry, gut health, immune health and nutritional recommendations specific to your child making this a comprehensive natural-solutions program for ADHD. 

There is the option of additional testing that could be of benefit to your child. We can talk about these in our calls together. 

What is the refund policy?

What is the refund policy? 


It's always best to check in with me first to  see if the program is right for your child. As I  ask for a 6 month commitment and as time and resources are invested in your family, refunds are not available.

If you opt for a payment plan, think of it as like paying off a loan and the expectation is that payments will be completed. 

If time delays are the reason for seeking a refund, we might be able to put the program on hold for couple of weeks and then we can keep moving forwards.  This will  however be determined on a case by case basis and there is no guarantee that a hold will be granted. .


Book in for a free strategy call to see if this is right for your child. 

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